Friday 25th Continued…
Fernandos final words
Greeting us with a breakfast of cake (his wedding special), Fernando and Juliao had some final words (tearjerkers if ever there were) about their views of the SWMP / QUEST partnership and project.
Juliao began by citing his concerns about Fernando before the project began; ‘he is an old man, who suffers his illnesses of rheumatism and age, I was concerned that he would be unable to handle the long walk to work and three months of work. I am so glad he managed it and that he was so appreciated. I am sure that someone was watching over him to help’.
Juliao continued to talk about how much the school means for the area and how appreciative everyone in the village is for all the hard work and dedication it took to bring the final building together. He thanked us and said he would make his final speech on Monday when the kids are back.
Then Fernando took centre stage (dressed as always as the messenger of peace and love – Santa). He spoke very much from the heart and thanked everyone involved, spoke about the three cakes he had made (one for each team) and how much joy he got from working with the groups.
The most significant words were when he spoke about growing up in the colonial era in Mozambique and saying that in all his long life, he had never seen people with such love and such good will to help others. He had not realised that there was such good in the world, and to know this made him very happy.
After apologising that his baking methods and ingredients were not what we may be used to, and may not be to our tastes, he served up huge slabs of the most delicious cake. Definitely to everyone’s tastes, and made all the more poignant when we found he had been up until 2 in the morning baking and icing it. A cake made with dedication and love.
When you’re back in the Uk, if you can spare any funds to help us help Fernando pass on his knowledge and skills to future generations of Mozambicans, please do.
Contact Mike Pidgeon and Mark Eisenegger at the SWMP.
Saturday 26th July
Casa de Comer (The House of Eat)
Today saw the group (except Bea who was doing the final dive for her diving course) travel to Inhambane. About 10 people hired a dhow for an hour and had a very peaceful, calm and relaxing journey which took in, well not much really as we didn’t go very far, but it was very peaceful calm and relaxing! Just what we needed. Others qued for the bank machines and everyone managed to get another trip to the market in.
Lunch at Verdingoes was a welcome meat feast.
The afternoon consisted of preparing for the amazing food at Casa de Comer by going to the Tofo market, again. The main highlight of the evening was at Fatima’s bar where we experienced an famous local drumming group. The dancing was lead by the groups number one follower a 67 year old woman who had 11 children and who danced a the drums story.
Whilst most headed back for bed at a relatively reasonable hour others partied the night away, having breakfast in Said’s Bread Shack and then watching the sun rise, going to bed just before the main group headed off on Sunday morning.
Sunday 27th July
Rising early for 10am most of the group were able to see the stragglers from the night before returning to their nests to sleep. So were rudely awoken when they saw Chris H sand rolling followed by an extroverted morning swim.
Chris W, Nick, Bea and Mark were off diving Manta Reef today, a 25m dive. Others came into town for even more shopping (will you never stop Wendy!) and relaxing on the beach soaking up Tofo’s atmosphere.
Underwater Mark and Bea managed to miss the only manta ray their group saw during their dive because they were doing tasks for their deep dive qualifications. Whereas Nick and Chris, who had gone off together as they were a lot more experienced, manage to reel in the big fish – 6 manta rays circling them, a reef shark, 3 devil rays. Mark and Bea were not to be disappointed though when on the way back we spotted a juvenile whale shark (only 4m!!!) cruising the coast near tofo’s reef. Bea, Nick and Mark leapt into the water to swim within only a few metres of it. Within a few minutes we were exhausted, paddling away just to keep up with this giant. What an amazing experience.
The evening meal was a quiet one with people lost in their own thoughts and packing their pressies for the journey tomorrow.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Monday, 28 July 2008
School, Done.
Saturday, 19th July 2008
The team leader had a very ‘easy’ job, as people felt so motivated that they started working even before breakfast arrived (this has never happened before!).
Our work was concentrated on two main tasks: 1) Sanding and painting the admin rooms. 2) Fixing the purlins and putting up the zinc sheets on the roof. In the meantime, the local workers were working on the floor of the second classroom and helping with the roof.
Even though on Saturdays we usually work half day, due to the pressure of getting the project finished some people carried on working for another couple of hours.
In the evening, we all had dinner at Dino’s and enjoyed a great party – dancing skills were shown by many. The party went on until 4.30am, but only a few survived!
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Most people decided to chill out in Tofo (the market and the beach).
Five of the group headed off for a horse riding trip. Martyn on Riverdancer had the party over the dunes and on to the beach. Accompanied by the stable dog they walked past Mango Beach through the surf towards Barra.
After about half an hour they veered off into the dunes to take an undulating track with a mixture of walking and sporadic trotting from Chris and Dick. From the dunes, they had an amazing view back to Mango and Tofo in the distance.
On the way back, they passed along the other side of the swamp and were rewarded by a different view of the school, a shining white beacon in amongst the palm trees.
Monday 21st July
Monday morning dawned warm and blue as all of us less Jamie (the latest to succumb to Tofu belly) trekked thoughtfully to the site. This project really is turning into a cliff hanger. Will we really have it all finished by the end of the week? There still seems so much to do.
Breakfast was delayed so we bought forward the day briefing session. Stuart, the day leader roused the troops with his own personal and passionate take on why we are here and building so much more than just a school and why we are the team that can pull this off in the days remaining to us.
For the roof team the day kicked off backwards as quite a few roof sheets had to be taken up and the whole line of the roof realigned in order for the ridge pieces to work properly. This was mostly done by the local carpenters and the roof team busied them selves with joining the local workers knocking the snots off or otherwise known as snot knocking/ and even snogging as Stuart calls it!
Two painting teams were also flat out all day, with just a brief lull before lunch whilst waiting for fresh supplies. Some of them morphed into newly set up window teams who will support the window carpenters for as long as it takes. The latter have come with several family members to help and a power plane and saw , but in spite of this will be pushed to finish by Wednesday, There are loads of beads to be incorporated into the windows, all of which have to be made on site, cut to length and positioned very precisely and in some sections sat on silicon.
In the afternoon fresh supplies arrived with Gary including such goodies as Stanley blades, silicon plus, masking tape, other roller extension, window stays plus loads-o-paint-mate and oh, by the way all the inside walls are now going to be cream and the windows grey (what bureaucrat thought of that combination)!
The afternoon also welcomed onto the site Chris the camera man with his dinky HD camera. Working with Mark and Stuart he filmed all the activity and shot some 1-1 interviews with several volunteers.
The last few of the volunteers trekked home to gathering dusk and to find our usual path reduced to plank-width in one place by the women extending their plots onto the highway!
Tuesday 22nd July
Day 26 in the Mozambique hut, the David Healy worshiper was feeling a lot hotter than he looked!!…. So the Geordie boy took the reigns again a day early.
The day began with a mild confusion over the level of finishing work required, there was however lots and lots of painting to do. Some of the team were suffering after the previous efforts have begun to take their toll. Never the less everyone was upbeat after breakfast.
The classrooms were painted in cream, which was a very loose description. Overall the day was very productive and most of the window casements and beading was in place by the end of play.
On return thoughts were with Jamie again and apparently being ill is the best way to get all the ladies into your room. It’s unknown whether or not a “bed bath” is allowed under quest rules??? (Only kidding Ashleigh!!!)
Well that’s about all from me …..
Hello Mum J Ian
Wednesday 23rd July
“Touching Up”
The day started with a lively briefing before starting the varied tasks of painting, painting or (if you fancied a change)…. Painting. The small rooms had to be painted with the final coat of “cream” (several weeks old cream perhaps). After a group discussion the term “learning beige” was stumbled upon and stuck. Some white “touching up” was also required which Sally and Dick got stuck into….
An early morning shower had us all cowering in the school under our lovely new roof whilst some of the local workers took the Micky out of their members of the roofing team when a few leaks became apparent. These were to be sorted out the following day when the roof was dry and a little less slippery.
The end of the day was rounded off with a game of Frisbee having a good time whilst trying to minimise the destruction of the local trees (Ian).
Thursday 24th July
“Which way do you face?”
Today there was a varied choice of tasks for the tired workers. The choice included painting in pink, white, grey or ‘learning beige’, and only Dick was excused to help Des in repairing the holes in the roof. An ingenious solution of very thin sticky tinfoil was employed, fingers crossed it will stand up to the job. The team also benefited from the arrival of four additional scaffolding ladders to help us ‘shorties’ reach the top of the windows, although this was not such a problem for Jamie who returned to site today after his ‘sick leave’. The glass also arrived on site today and with the carpentry teams working hard to fit it, by the end of the day nearly half of the building was complete.
Chocolate on the ‘space mat’ after lunch set some of us up for a busy afternoon’s painting although we were all slightly confused by a comment from Bea regarding which way we face in the site toilet?!? I wasn’t aware there was more than one option!
The afternoon session involved more painting with Chris, Stuart, Nick and Dick doing a sterling job on the grey gloss. It was hard work especially when the veranda was screeded outside of classroom one making it impossible to get in and out. At one point Chris had to the long jump to get out, and then later in the day build a bridge from site debris to retrieve his hat in an Indiana Jones style. I think a few arms will have to be twisted to get them more help tomorrow.
Great work from all team members ensured a really successful day on site. Only one day of work to go - I think we’re going to do it !
Friday 25th July
‘The Day of Reckoning…….’
The day dawned brightly, the team was in high spirits, would it end the same way…..would it in fact, all end today???????
Upon reaching site, we were greeted with the most incredible cake baked by Fernando and family. After a moving speech by the cook himself, translated by Chris (just about!!) a sugar rush of cake was delved into by the whole team, not once, twice but in some case three times!!! A quick practice of the national anthem chorus by the team for Monday morning and then the real work began.
As team leader all I can say is what a team. Jobs did not have to be allocated, briefings were not required as all 15 sets of hands got rightly stuck in with the one mindset….completing the building today as per the Architect/Structural Engineers programme!!!!!
Belting out Rolling Stonessssssssss Classics such as Paint it White, Paint it Grey and Paint it Cream the team got to work – Dick painting the frames, Martyn touching up white, Marty tidying the site, Sarah chief paint spotting, Sally the Sergeant Major keeping order on the ground, Ian Mr Masking Tape himself, Nick the Roller Ace with the painters Bea, Stuart, Mark, Nikki, Wendy, Chris and Christina!!! By the end everyone had a paint brush in the hand!!! The team are a credit to themselves because the grit, determination and willingness shown not only today, but for the whole month has been nothing short of immense. An early finish ensued and the coconut wine flowed with the village elders and fathers in attendance………an interesting taste that wine with a few ‘Roger Rabbit choking eyes moments!!!’. Many photos followed with the workers and villagers and the realisation dawned on the group……………
THE BUILDING WAS COMPLETE (apart from snagging!!!!!!)
A night out to Bamboozi with a local band playing allowed for a chilled and relaxing evening and end to the day!
Finally, all that is left to do is for me to issue the Certificate of Practical Completion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Now Recovered ‘Healy’ Worshipper
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th July.
A well-earned rest, including visits to Inhambane, dhow trips, diving and relaxing in Tofo.
The team leader had a very ‘easy’ job, as people felt so motivated that they started working even before breakfast arrived (this has never happened before!).
Our work was concentrated on two main tasks: 1) Sanding and painting the admin rooms. 2) Fixing the purlins and putting up the zinc sheets on the roof. In the meantime, the local workers were working on the floor of the second classroom and helping with the roof.
Even though on Saturdays we usually work half day, due to the pressure of getting the project finished some people carried on working for another couple of hours.
In the evening, we all had dinner at Dino’s and enjoyed a great party – dancing skills were shown by many. The party went on until 4.30am, but only a few survived!
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Most people decided to chill out in Tofo (the market and the beach).
Five of the group headed off for a horse riding trip. Martyn on Riverdancer had the party over the dunes and on to the beach. Accompanied by the stable dog they walked past Mango Beach through the surf towards Barra.
After about half an hour they veered off into the dunes to take an undulating track with a mixture of walking and sporadic trotting from Chris and Dick. From the dunes, they had an amazing view back to Mango and Tofo in the distance.
On the way back, they passed along the other side of the swamp and were rewarded by a different view of the school, a shining white beacon in amongst the palm trees.
Monday 21st July
Monday morning dawned warm and blue as all of us less Jamie (the latest to succumb to Tofu belly) trekked thoughtfully to the site. This project really is turning into a cliff hanger. Will we really have it all finished by the end of the week? There still seems so much to do.
Breakfast was delayed so we bought forward the day briefing session. Stuart, the day leader roused the troops with his own personal and passionate take on why we are here and building so much more than just a school and why we are the team that can pull this off in the days remaining to us.
For the roof team the day kicked off backwards as quite a few roof sheets had to be taken up and the whole line of the roof realigned in order for the ridge pieces to work properly. This was mostly done by the local carpenters and the roof team busied them selves with joining the local workers knocking the snots off or otherwise known as snot knocking/ and even snogging as Stuart calls it!
Two painting teams were also flat out all day, with just a brief lull before lunch whilst waiting for fresh supplies. Some of them morphed into newly set up window teams who will support the window carpenters for as long as it takes. The latter have come with several family members to help and a power plane and saw , but in spite of this will be pushed to finish by Wednesday, There are loads of beads to be incorporated into the windows, all of which have to be made on site, cut to length and positioned very precisely and in some sections sat on silicon.
In the afternoon fresh supplies arrived with Gary including such goodies as Stanley blades, silicon plus, masking tape, other roller extension, window stays plus loads-o-paint-mate and oh, by the way all the inside walls are now going to be cream and the windows grey (what bureaucrat thought of that combination)!
The afternoon also welcomed onto the site Chris the camera man with his dinky HD camera. Working with Mark and Stuart he filmed all the activity and shot some 1-1 interviews with several volunteers.
The last few of the volunteers trekked home to gathering dusk and to find our usual path reduced to plank-width in one place by the women extending their plots onto the highway!
Tuesday 22nd July
Day 26 in the Mozambique hut, the David Healy worshiper was feeling a lot hotter than he looked!!…. So the Geordie boy took the reigns again a day early.
The day began with a mild confusion over the level of finishing work required, there was however lots and lots of painting to do. Some of the team were suffering after the previous efforts have begun to take their toll. Never the less everyone was upbeat after breakfast.
The classrooms were painted in cream, which was a very loose description. Overall the day was very productive and most of the window casements and beading was in place by the end of play.
On return thoughts were with Jamie again and apparently being ill is the best way to get all the ladies into your room. It’s unknown whether or not a “bed bath” is allowed under quest rules??? (Only kidding Ashleigh!!!)
Well that’s about all from me …..
Hello Mum J Ian
Wednesday 23rd July
“Touching Up”
The day started with a lively briefing before starting the varied tasks of painting, painting or (if you fancied a change)…. Painting. The small rooms had to be painted with the final coat of “cream” (several weeks old cream perhaps). After a group discussion the term “learning beige” was stumbled upon and stuck. Some white “touching up” was also required which Sally and Dick got stuck into….
An early morning shower had us all cowering in the school under our lovely new roof whilst some of the local workers took the Micky out of their members of the roofing team when a few leaks became apparent. These were to be sorted out the following day when the roof was dry and a little less slippery.
The end of the day was rounded off with a game of Frisbee having a good time whilst trying to minimise the destruction of the local trees (Ian).
Thursday 24th July
“Which way do you face?”
Today there was a varied choice of tasks for the tired workers. The choice included painting in pink, white, grey or ‘learning beige’, and only Dick was excused to help Des in repairing the holes in the roof. An ingenious solution of very thin sticky tinfoil was employed, fingers crossed it will stand up to the job. The team also benefited from the arrival of four additional scaffolding ladders to help us ‘shorties’ reach the top of the windows, although this was not such a problem for Jamie who returned to site today after his ‘sick leave’. The glass also arrived on site today and with the carpentry teams working hard to fit it, by the end of the day nearly half of the building was complete.
Chocolate on the ‘space mat’ after lunch set some of us up for a busy afternoon’s painting although we were all slightly confused by a comment from Bea regarding which way we face in the site toilet?!? I wasn’t aware there was more than one option!
The afternoon session involved more painting with Chris, Stuart, Nick and Dick doing a sterling job on the grey gloss. It was hard work especially when the veranda was screeded outside of classroom one making it impossible to get in and out. At one point Chris had to the long jump to get out, and then later in the day build a bridge from site debris to retrieve his hat in an Indiana Jones style. I think a few arms will have to be twisted to get them more help tomorrow.
Great work from all team members ensured a really successful day on site. Only one day of work to go - I think we’re going to do it !
Friday 25th July
‘The Day of Reckoning…….’
The day dawned brightly, the team was in high spirits, would it end the same way…..would it in fact, all end today???????
Upon reaching site, we were greeted with the most incredible cake baked by Fernando and family. After a moving speech by the cook himself, translated by Chris (just about!!) a sugar rush of cake was delved into by the whole team, not once, twice but in some case three times!!! A quick practice of the national anthem chorus by the team for Monday morning and then the real work began.
As team leader all I can say is what a team. Jobs did not have to be allocated, briefings were not required as all 15 sets of hands got rightly stuck in with the one mindset….completing the building today as per the Architect/Structural Engineers programme!!!!!
Belting out Rolling Stonessssssssss Classics such as Paint it White, Paint it Grey and Paint it Cream the team got to work – Dick painting the frames, Martyn touching up white, Marty tidying the site, Sarah chief paint spotting, Sally the Sergeant Major keeping order on the ground, Ian Mr Masking Tape himself, Nick the Roller Ace with the painters Bea, Stuart, Mark, Nikki, Wendy, Chris and Christina!!! By the end everyone had a paint brush in the hand!!! The team are a credit to themselves because the grit, determination and willingness shown not only today, but for the whole month has been nothing short of immense. An early finish ensued and the coconut wine flowed with the village elders and fathers in attendance………an interesting taste that wine with a few ‘Roger Rabbit choking eyes moments!!!’. Many photos followed with the workers and villagers and the realisation dawned on the group……………
A night out to Bamboozi with a local band playing allowed for a chilled and relaxing evening and end to the day!
Finally, all that is left to do is for me to issue the Certificate of Practical Completion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Now Recovered ‘Healy’ Worshipper
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th July.
A well-earned rest, including visits to Inhambane, dhow trips, diving and relaxing in Tofo.
Friday, 25 July 2008
Snot knocking anyone?
Thursday 10th July
All clean from our long-awaited shower and chocolate dessert from the day before, we set off for yet another productive day on site early this morning. Tasks for the day were clear: wood cu]tting for the benches, sanding and painting of two of the rooms, windows and door frames and finalising the trusses and block cutting for the roof.
Everything went smoothly and we managed to take a break to spend some time playing with the children. They loved it! We did too! We did the hokey-cokey (or okey-kokey, whatever!), which seems to be an old-time favourite of theirs. Then, with the kids wondering what we were up to, we took out the rope…time for a little bit of limbo! We had to explain to them that they have to bend backwards to go under the rope instead of running under it head first a dozen at a time, but it didn’t take long for them to grasp the concept and start showing off to each other. They seemed to enjoy it so much that we didn’t have the heart to stop. Instead we started rope skipping, with Nikki holding their hands and telling them when to jump. Time to go back to work came all too soon.
Just before we left for Mango, we were told that the water had stop running again and that there would be no shower or drinking water when we get back (again!). And today is the day on which the wedding is being held. The bride was not very happy that she couldn’t wash her hair…of all days! After much persuasion and a promised bottle of wine later, Nikki sang ‘Nobody Does It Better’ at the reception and we could all hear her voice ring clear and pure through the resort. Way to go!
The bar was off limit as the reception was being held there. So, in true campers fashion, we had dinner in the outdoor kitchen, sitting wherever was possible (which including the kitchen sink and the steps). Food, beers, juice and fizzy drinks were brought down to keep everyone happy and chatting, until the hard day’s work lead us back to our cabanas.
Friday 11th July – Last day of Term
Having been reliably informed that today is Friday, the task of writing the blog falls to me.
After the morning walk to site with the usual entourage of tardy school children and regular chorus of “Bon Dias” in our wake, we arrive to discover that today is the last day of term. It dawns that we will have to make the most of it.
As usual, the local lads were already on site and working to complete the plastering of the administration rooms from the previous day. With some still to do, they have been persuaded to work a full day tomorrow to plaster two walls in the classrooms. This will enable them to be made near complete (except for the roof). Other work today included continuing building up the blockwork in the admin rooms, sanding endless piles of wood for the desks, minor plastering below trusses, touching up paint and the addition of the first purlins (rails between the trusses to nail the zinc sheets to) over the classrooms.
All the children turned out from lessons during a natural lull in the work (and still needing to get some footage on our recently repaired video camera), the Scott Wilson Kids Club was assembled and dispatched to entertain. This was the first real chance we have had to play with the children for a good length of time and began with a new Mozambican Record for the largest Hokey-Cokey. This was rapidly followed by a largely confused relay race using flip-flop batons, with at least one child sighted running with two flip-flops at times. They children then broke into smaller groups to play games that included “Duck-Duck-Goose” (Google it, it’s difficult to explain).
Then everyone assembled for a mass contest of Tug of War. From where I was watching, it was unclear who won but this seems to be common and no one appeared to mind. The Scott Wilson Kids Club were admirably supported by our new Canadian friends gymnastic act, which had the local lads stopping work to watch. Though, without taking anything away from a very good show, one or two of the local lads have been known to stop work to watch the clouds go by.
The children have been told they can return in their holidays next week to play. It will be interesting to see how many do after today’s show, and we still have a few tricks left up our sleeves.
Saturday 12th July - Code word ‘Master Mind’
We arrived on site at the usual time and had breakfast, which included egg, for a change. The team was lacking it’s usual energy at the start of the day and it was a struggle to get tasks assigned, but today was a day for finishing up on lots of small tasks and the team were told that, if asked about their progress on a task, the answer was ‘I’ve started, so I’ll finish’. This proved to be the case, in the end, as many tasks were, indeed, completed and it was a productive morning. Sanding, painting, sanding, painting etc etc etc. After a slow start, it was actually very difficult to get some team members to stop work and eat lunch!
After the walk home and showers all round, we headed into Inhambane for money, shopping and food. The market was an experience for everyone and many bags (Beatriz) and trinkets were bargained for before it was time to meet up for a dinner of gourmet burgers and tasty desserts. The ride home was also an experience – drinking rum from a plastic bottle in the back of a van that had a big hole between the roof and the back door – but everyone survived!
Back in Tofo, the team headed for the bar and enjoyed several beers and ‘White African’ cocktails – whilst discussing the choices that people had made for the next day, which was the first day that we were to be left to our own devices. Surfing, Kayaking and Diving were the main choices, with some people opting to simply chill and relax… can’t think why!? The walk back along the beach under the moonlight was the perfect end to a great day...
Sunday 13th July – ‘Zer is a shoe in ze Vater’
So, Sunday finally arrives and everyone is looking forward to whichever activity they have picked. Four of the team had picked a day of adventure on the Kayak Safari and were hoping for good weather – they didn’t get it! After leaving Mango Beach at 8.10am (without the donut breakfast that everyone else was to later enjoy), they set off on their adventure from White Sands to Inhambane Island in Kayaks that were (and I quote) ‘Un-capsizeable’. Unfortunately for Nikki and Martyn, their Kayak proved about as un-capsizeable as the Titanic was unsinkable!! They ended up in the water at least four times on the 90 minute journey and will forever share a bond that can only be gained by such experiences!! There were three German back-packers on th trip with them and one was heard to shout, upon the first incident, ‘Zer is a shoe in ze vater’ – which happened to be Nikki’s flip flop! By the end of the journey, he had both flip flops!! Many other quotes could be put in the blog from that particular experience, but none are printable! However, overall, the day was a great success and most of the day was spent laughing!
Those who had chosen to chill out also missed the sun, which had decided to hide behind the clouds for the day, but they enjoyed some time on the beach – as well as walking into Tofo for food, drinks and shopping. The divers didn’t have such a great time, as there were difficulties with the diving equipment and with the levels of visibility – due to the very strong currents, so they didn’t get to see a great deal. However, there is time for them to try again, and most are up for another attempt.
Quotes of the weekend:
‘Ian is suffering from goat in the knee’
‘It’s not something, it’s something else…’!?
I’ve bought an elephant but now I don’t know if I want it!'
‘If you have booked it you must be there, otherwise you make me look like a 'expletive’ (the quotee subsequently didn’t turn up the next day for their activity!)
‘These are the worst conditions I have ever seen here’ (dive master – great thanks)
‘The water will be like glass’ (kayak instructor before embarking into choppy waters)
Monday 14th July
Day of Dick
For Jamie, the day started with an involuntary shower – day of Dick started off wet!
However. The sunrise was the best yet.
Today we had too many bodies for the available tasks. We had a frantic burst of - you’ve guessed it - sanding and painting the walls that had been successfully plastered – bribery is alive and well in Mozambique – on Saturday. The desk jockeys were confused – not difficult – by our trained carpenter, The master length had mysteriously shrunk between Saturday and Monday, It transpired that Cremildo had cut 10cm off so that the desks would fit into the room!!! The desk job was welcome today after the weekend’s exertions, whether physical or financial.
There may not be any bears in Mozambique, but a ‘bear’-chested man was spotted on the business end of a paint roller. One of our members, you would have thought old enough to know better than to frighten small children and animals, was seen to strip to the waist in the early morning sunshine. (photo available for a large fee).
Plan B was invoked when no preservative was available. The purlin joining plates (Lucy won’t let us call them gussets) were primed and two girls set up a production line assembling them so that our top team could erect purlins on the roof. A lot of clearing up was also done, in hopeful preparation for floor screed after the roof sheeting goes up, and scaffolding moved for the plasterers
Some of the team were sent off for the early bath as work dried up later on, and all arrived back at Mango in time to sit at the bar and watch the sun go down on another successful day.
Uncle Dick (rumour has it)
Tuesday 15th July
Early doors
Today was to be like any other day with walls to be sanded and painted; purlins to be put in place, with a side order of snot knocking (chiselling off the lumps of plaster that has landed on the floors prior to screeding). After an initial burst of activity, and the need for plastered walls to finish drying before they could be sanded and painted with undercoat, there was a lull in activities. Some of the group ended running around in circles with some of the kids who still come to school despite being on holiday (you won’t catch any self respecting kid in the UK doing that!).
A tea break was called and a pep talk and discussion of job tasks ensued. With the team decidedly ‘pepped’ and with new assignments assigned the group set off with vigour. Bea and Nick demonstrated their plastering talents, again, straightening the top edge of the internal walls. A crack team put the basecoat on one of the end administration rooms (to be the library); whilst some prepared more purlins for putting on the roof; and others knocked the snot.
To occupy one teams time it was decided the doors could have their final coat of paint applied ahead of schedule (now there is forward planning).
With the end of the day looming the sand and cement supplies for the screed were ordered for the coming week and the final preparations were made before the first corrugated zinc sheets could go onto the roof, hopefully tomorrow...
Eisen-man (apparently)
Wednesday 16th July
Musical day…
After a couple of days of a cloudy start we got up to a beautiful sunny morning. A promising day even though we were three men down due to the usual Mozambiquean effect and strong spices….
The kids were off and the site was quiet….but even the usual walk to the site can be a different experience day after day. A challenge for all the photographers that cant resist getting their cameras out to get a shot of the different birds like the lilac breasted roller with their wonderfully colourful wings, the sun set, the pink clouds, the Mozambiquean ladies walking with their amazing posture even though carrying our lunch on top of our heads, buckets of water or even a huge amount of logs.
The day on site consisted of the usual snot knocking, painting and sanding. But the group was so motivated, enthusiastic and inspired that that a pop band was created and songs written on the sounds of site work…..
“Snot knocking, we’re knocking snot and now I think we’ve had our fill. We’ve never knocked such a lot of snot and I hope we never will. We want to screed the floor today, but we first we’ve got to knock this snot away……”
(Crocodile Rock – Elton John)
“We see a blank wall and we want to paint it white, no colours anymore we have to paint it white. They wanted cream or grey, but we just told them NO. So, we have to paint it white, so go away , just go!”
(Paint it Black - Rolling Stones)
Lead singer - Nikki
Guitarist – Sally
Drummer – Sarah
Saw (?) – Chris
Manager and Promoter – Jamie
Special participation – Beatriz
(Video clip available by special request….single soon to be released on I-Tunes)
Finally, by the end of the day, we managed to get the first zinc sheets up which ended with Martin’s comments: “This is quite satisfying, I might even go for a shave tonight.” This was followed by Chris mentioning that he might keep his rough look…..
So, I have to finish by saying….what a fantastic day after all!!
And also sweet…with Christina handing lollipops to everybody on site.
Thursday 17th July
Jacinto on a tin roof
The day kicked off with a great inspirational talk from Prof. Chris that both gave us the focus and the drive that we needed to bring things together for the day (getting a tired crew into spirits)!
Everyone getting involved from the start made things work well (even with the “snot knockers”). The roof continued to go on with a ramping up start and painting of the north end of the school made another inspirational landmark.
The usual lunch hour was unfortunately cut short for a number of the team with a last minute notification that the first classroom must have a final coat of paint before the final floor could be poured (tomorrow morning)… and with the zinc sheeting going above head (at pause for the lunch hour), a great crew of painters took the bull by the horns and painted fiercely.
The team as a whole took great initiative to coordinate to both advance the roof structure, zinc sheeting, and take care of the important floor work going on below… GREAT work team!
The local workers were also quite involved in the team effort, with the carpenters continuing to work tightly with the securing of the zinc and the rest of the local team finishing off the last couple of small rooms and south end wall.
At the end of an extra long day for all a rewarding drink at the bar was enjoyed by all! This does and should give Prof. Chris a great sense of justice, accomplishment and vigour (and I know it does because that is a “coat”).
All clean from our long-awaited shower and chocolate dessert from the day before, we set off for yet another productive day on site early this morning. Tasks for the day were clear: wood cu]tting for the benches, sanding and painting of two of the rooms, windows and door frames and finalising the trusses and block cutting for the roof.
Everything went smoothly and we managed to take a break to spend some time playing with the children. They loved it! We did too! We did the hokey-cokey (or okey-kokey, whatever!), which seems to be an old-time favourite of theirs. Then, with the kids wondering what we were up to, we took out the rope…time for a little bit of limbo! We had to explain to them that they have to bend backwards to go under the rope instead of running under it head first a dozen at a time, but it didn’t take long for them to grasp the concept and start showing off to each other. They seemed to enjoy it so much that we didn’t have the heart to stop. Instead we started rope skipping, with Nikki holding their hands and telling them when to jump. Time to go back to work came all too soon.
Just before we left for Mango, we were told that the water had stop running again and that there would be no shower or drinking water when we get back (again!). And today is the day on which the wedding is being held. The bride was not very happy that she couldn’t wash her hair…of all days! After much persuasion and a promised bottle of wine later, Nikki sang ‘Nobody Does It Better’ at the reception and we could all hear her voice ring clear and pure through the resort. Way to go!
The bar was off limit as the reception was being held there. So, in true campers fashion, we had dinner in the outdoor kitchen, sitting wherever was possible (which including the kitchen sink and the steps). Food, beers, juice and fizzy drinks were brought down to keep everyone happy and chatting, until the hard day’s work lead us back to our cabanas.
Friday 11th July – Last day of Term
Having been reliably informed that today is Friday, the task of writing the blog falls to me.
After the morning walk to site with the usual entourage of tardy school children and regular chorus of “Bon Dias” in our wake, we arrive to discover that today is the last day of term. It dawns that we will have to make the most of it.
As usual, the local lads were already on site and working to complete the plastering of the administration rooms from the previous day. With some still to do, they have been persuaded to work a full day tomorrow to plaster two walls in the classrooms. This will enable them to be made near complete (except for the roof). Other work today included continuing building up the blockwork in the admin rooms, sanding endless piles of wood for the desks, minor plastering below trusses, touching up paint and the addition of the first purlins (rails between the trusses to nail the zinc sheets to) over the classrooms.
All the children turned out from lessons during a natural lull in the work (and still needing to get some footage on our recently repaired video camera), the Scott Wilson Kids Club was assembled and dispatched to entertain. This was the first real chance we have had to play with the children for a good length of time and began with a new Mozambican Record for the largest Hokey-Cokey. This was rapidly followed by a largely confused relay race using flip-flop batons, with at least one child sighted running with two flip-flops at times. They children then broke into smaller groups to play games that included “Duck-Duck-Goose” (Google it, it’s difficult to explain).
Then everyone assembled for a mass contest of Tug of War. From where I was watching, it was unclear who won but this seems to be common and no one appeared to mind. The Scott Wilson Kids Club were admirably supported by our new Canadian friends gymnastic act, which had the local lads stopping work to watch. Though, without taking anything away from a very good show, one or two of the local lads have been known to stop work to watch the clouds go by.
The children have been told they can return in their holidays next week to play. It will be interesting to see how many do after today’s show, and we still have a few tricks left up our sleeves.
Saturday 12th July - Code word ‘Master Mind’
We arrived on site at the usual time and had breakfast, which included egg, for a change. The team was lacking it’s usual energy at the start of the day and it was a struggle to get tasks assigned, but today was a day for finishing up on lots of small tasks and the team were told that, if asked about their progress on a task, the answer was ‘I’ve started, so I’ll finish’. This proved to be the case, in the end, as many tasks were, indeed, completed and it was a productive morning. Sanding, painting, sanding, painting etc etc etc. After a slow start, it was actually very difficult to get some team members to stop work and eat lunch!
After the walk home and showers all round, we headed into Inhambane for money, shopping and food. The market was an experience for everyone and many bags (Beatriz) and trinkets were bargained for before it was time to meet up for a dinner of gourmet burgers and tasty desserts. The ride home was also an experience – drinking rum from a plastic bottle in the back of a van that had a big hole between the roof and the back door – but everyone survived!
Back in Tofo, the team headed for the bar and enjoyed several beers and ‘White African’ cocktails – whilst discussing the choices that people had made for the next day, which was the first day that we were to be left to our own devices. Surfing, Kayaking and Diving were the main choices, with some people opting to simply chill and relax… can’t think why!? The walk back along the beach under the moonlight was the perfect end to a great day...
Sunday 13th July – ‘Zer is a shoe in ze Vater’
So, Sunday finally arrives and everyone is looking forward to whichever activity they have picked. Four of the team had picked a day of adventure on the Kayak Safari and were hoping for good weather – they didn’t get it! After leaving Mango Beach at 8.10am (without the donut breakfast that everyone else was to later enjoy), they set off on their adventure from White Sands to Inhambane Island in Kayaks that were (and I quote) ‘Un-capsizeable’. Unfortunately for Nikki and Martyn, their Kayak proved about as un-capsizeable as the Titanic was unsinkable!! They ended up in the water at least four times on the 90 minute journey and will forever share a bond that can only be gained by such experiences!! There were three German back-packers on th trip with them and one was heard to shout, upon the first incident, ‘Zer is a shoe in ze vater’ – which happened to be Nikki’s flip flop! By the end of the journey, he had both flip flops!! Many other quotes could be put in the blog from that particular experience, but none are printable! However, overall, the day was a great success and most of the day was spent laughing!
Those who had chosen to chill out also missed the sun, which had decided to hide behind the clouds for the day, but they enjoyed some time on the beach – as well as walking into Tofo for food, drinks and shopping. The divers didn’t have such a great time, as there were difficulties with the diving equipment and with the levels of visibility – due to the very strong currents, so they didn’t get to see a great deal. However, there is time for them to try again, and most are up for another attempt.
Quotes of the weekend:
‘Ian is suffering from goat in the knee’
‘It’s not something, it’s something else…’!?
I’ve bought an elephant but now I don’t know if I want it!'
‘If you have booked it you must be there, otherwise you make me look like a 'expletive’ (the quotee subsequently didn’t turn up the next day for their activity!)
‘These are the worst conditions I have ever seen here’ (dive master – great thanks)
‘The water will be like glass’ (kayak instructor before embarking into choppy waters)
Monday 14th July
Day of Dick
For Jamie, the day started with an involuntary shower – day of Dick started off wet!
However. The sunrise was the best yet.
Today we had too many bodies for the available tasks. We had a frantic burst of - you’ve guessed it - sanding and painting the walls that had been successfully plastered – bribery is alive and well in Mozambique – on Saturday. The desk jockeys were confused – not difficult – by our trained carpenter, The master length had mysteriously shrunk between Saturday and Monday, It transpired that Cremildo had cut 10cm off so that the desks would fit into the room!!! The desk job was welcome today after the weekend’s exertions, whether physical or financial.
There may not be any bears in Mozambique, but a ‘bear’-chested man was spotted on the business end of a paint roller. One of our members, you would have thought old enough to know better than to frighten small children and animals, was seen to strip to the waist in the early morning sunshine. (photo available for a large fee).
Plan B was invoked when no preservative was available. The purlin joining plates (Lucy won’t let us call them gussets) were primed and two girls set up a production line assembling them so that our top team could erect purlins on the roof. A lot of clearing up was also done, in hopeful preparation for floor screed after the roof sheeting goes up, and scaffolding moved for the plasterers
Some of the team were sent off for the early bath as work dried up later on, and all arrived back at Mango in time to sit at the bar and watch the sun go down on another successful day.
Uncle Dick (rumour has it)
Tuesday 15th July
Early doors
Today was to be like any other day with walls to be sanded and painted; purlins to be put in place, with a side order of snot knocking (chiselling off the lumps of plaster that has landed on the floors prior to screeding). After an initial burst of activity, and the need for plastered walls to finish drying before they could be sanded and painted with undercoat, there was a lull in activities. Some of the group ended running around in circles with some of the kids who still come to school despite being on holiday (you won’t catch any self respecting kid in the UK doing that!).
A tea break was called and a pep talk and discussion of job tasks ensued. With the team decidedly ‘pepped’ and with new assignments assigned the group set off with vigour. Bea and Nick demonstrated their plastering talents, again, straightening the top edge of the internal walls. A crack team put the basecoat on one of the end administration rooms (to be the library); whilst some prepared more purlins for putting on the roof; and others knocked the snot.
To occupy one teams time it was decided the doors could have their final coat of paint applied ahead of schedule (now there is forward planning).
With the end of the day looming the sand and cement supplies for the screed were ordered for the coming week and the final preparations were made before the first corrugated zinc sheets could go onto the roof, hopefully tomorrow...
Eisen-man (apparently)
Wednesday 16th July
Musical day…
After a couple of days of a cloudy start we got up to a beautiful sunny morning. A promising day even though we were three men down due to the usual Mozambiquean effect and strong spices….
The kids were off and the site was quiet….but even the usual walk to the site can be a different experience day after day. A challenge for all the photographers that cant resist getting their cameras out to get a shot of the different birds like the lilac breasted roller with their wonderfully colourful wings, the sun set, the pink clouds, the Mozambiquean ladies walking with their amazing posture even though carrying our lunch on top of our heads, buckets of water or even a huge amount of logs.
The day on site consisted of the usual snot knocking, painting and sanding. But the group was so motivated, enthusiastic and inspired that that a pop band was created and songs written on the sounds of site work…..
“Snot knocking, we’re knocking snot and now I think we’ve had our fill. We’ve never knocked such a lot of snot and I hope we never will. We want to screed the floor today, but we first we’ve got to knock this snot away……”
(Crocodile Rock – Elton John)
“We see a blank wall and we want to paint it white, no colours anymore we have to paint it white. They wanted cream or grey, but we just told them NO. So, we have to paint it white, so go away , just go!”
(Paint it Black - Rolling Stones)
Lead singer - Nikki
Guitarist – Sally
Drummer – Sarah
Saw (?) – Chris
Manager and Promoter – Jamie
Special participation – Beatriz
(Video clip available by special request….single soon to be released on I-Tunes)
Finally, by the end of the day, we managed to get the first zinc sheets up which ended with Martin’s comments: “This is quite satisfying, I might even go for a shave tonight.” This was followed by Chris mentioning that he might keep his rough look…..
So, I have to finish by saying….what a fantastic day after all!!
And also sweet…with Christina handing lollipops to everybody on site.
Thursday 17th July
Jacinto on a tin roof
The day kicked off with a great inspirational talk from Prof. Chris that both gave us the focus and the drive that we needed to bring things together for the day (getting a tired crew into spirits)!
Everyone getting involved from the start made things work well (even with the “snot knockers”). The roof continued to go on with a ramping up start and painting of the north end of the school made another inspirational landmark.
The usual lunch hour was unfortunately cut short for a number of the team with a last minute notification that the first classroom must have a final coat of paint before the final floor could be poured (tomorrow morning)… and with the zinc sheeting going above head (at pause for the lunch hour), a great crew of painters took the bull by the horns and painted fiercely.
The team as a whole took great initiative to coordinate to both advance the roof structure, zinc sheeting, and take care of the important floor work going on below… GREAT work team!
The local workers were also quite involved in the team effort, with the carpenters continuing to work tightly with the securing of the zinc and the rest of the local team finishing off the last couple of small rooms and south end wall.
At the end of an extra long day for all a rewarding drink at the bar was enjoyed by all! This does and should give Prof. Chris a great sense of justice, accomplishment and vigour (and I know it does because that is a “coat”).
Thursday, 10 July 2008
July get stuck in (the loo)
Friday 4th July 2008
After an early 6.00am rise, the team arrived on site with a full compliment raring to go after the refreshing swim and relaxing evening the night before. They were greeted by Fernando with brekkie on the table!!! Fried egg with complimentary roll and coleslaw side were on the menu. As the team finished off, the team leader completed a full brief on the plan of work for the day and programmed the work with Chris accordingly. This assisted with keeping efficiency levels to a maximum barring any late deliveries of course!!
The primary objective was to have each of the end trusses installed by the end of the day. It was also hoped that the rear wall would be painted with two teams to be employed.
Firstly, the preservative treatment was to be completed on the 13 trusses. Two teams were formed, the ‘truss’ team completing the preserving and the ‘window’ team completing the pain-staking job of chipping out the board above the window heads. This efficiency was enhanced – is this the correct word??? – by Martyn removing his shirt!!! Safe to say the school children quickly dived for cover!!! A fine production line was established for the preservation treatment and the trusses were completed quickly.
Other jobs were tended to such as sweeping out the building, sweeping the veranda in preparation for the painters, steel column reinforcement construction which Dick & Marty handled expertly and the moving of block work into rooms ready for installation. A break was necessary & this coincided with the children’s playtime. Stuart, aka ‘Inspector Clueso’, came into his own having happy screaming children chasing bubbles which he was blowing and soon most of the team were swamped by the kids which allowed for fantastic interaction. Lunch came early with chicken and rice (including chicken feet at the bottom of the pot!!!!) and was scoffed by the hard working team including the plinth ledge chipping team who worked on into their lunch hour to finish it.
The afternoon brought the first great visual success for the team. Two teams were employed, one to sand the window frames and the other to paint the first primer coat on the rear wall. This also involved sanding the whole wall first!!! Suddenly the roof trusses were to be placed up in position. The team worked with great precision and by the end of the afternoon had five trusses installed and braced temporarily. Teamwork and translation were the keys to the successful operation, which also included ‘monkeyman’ Chris from Quest balancing on the ring beam to nail the bracing in.
This was a great boost for the team as it was the first physical evidence of the building’s shape changing and progressing since arrival. The previous hard days preparation work were well rewarded. The team worked incredibly well, completing tasks over and above what was set out at the start of the day and now sit chilling beside the beach with a few drinks waiting dinner!!!!
Clothes of the day: Sally in her pyjamas on site!
Saturday 5th July
Only let the Geordie lead for half a day (It’s safer that way)
The first time many of us have worked a weekend possibly since Dick had a paper round. We arrived on site with breakfast ready and waiting for us. Saturdays bring a treat of a half day break and breakfast of donuts and fruit.
The group began the day energised and up for the challenge of getting the remaining 8 trusses up and finishing the sanding and undercoat painting of the front of the building. The work today had to be coordinated to allow sanding work to be carried out whilst the trusses were being put up. As the trusses were completed in a surprising amount of time the day was a great success and this allowed Martyn to take the members from the lifting team to begin an important task of breaking up any damaged blockwork so that it could be used in the floor screed. It’s amazing that even now we are able to show commitment to sustainability.
The first Saturday night was a slight blur including cocktails and celebration, Martyns Birthday was finally celebrated in style and Iain passing his degree making it a double celebration. We had our first team meal out where the chicken kebab was labelled as “not the rubbish you get in England” and to be fair the food here is so good its true.
Everyone is raring to go for another week at site after we go whale watching tomorrow.
Sunday 6th July
‘ A Whale Of A Time’
For the first time since arriving we were able to have a lie in. Of course everyone just woke up at the usual time and just stayed in bed trying to ignore the hangover, get back to sleep and avoid wrestling their way out of the mosquito net to go the toilet - bladder strength has increased significantly in all of us over the last week.
We all got together about 10am for breakfast which consisted of chocolate and jam doughnuts – we needed the energy. We then had a quick ride into town on the back of a truck to go whale watching. We paid, signed our lives away and then got kitted up with snorkels, flippers and swimming costumes and headed to the beach to meet the boat. The classic comment of the day was from Wendy (with flippers and snorkel in one hand) “are we going to get wet?” – what can you say to that…
In the boat and out to sea (at a fair pace) to try and find some whales. It wasn’t long before some humpback dolphins were spotted which we followed for a while. Several shouts of “whale” through the day from Chris sent us tearing across water to the area of the sighting before easing off to get a bit closer. It was amazing to see the spout of water, the whales breaching (humpback whales) and then the classic tail fin shots. One group (is that a pod?) of whales were six in number – fantastic. Three sail fish following the boat on the way back ended an amazing day out on the water.
A few hours in Tofo at the market was good bargaining practice and many a bargain was had. Back to Mango Beach for some cracking food and an early night.
Chris H
Monday 7th July
‘Snot Knocking’
The morning was started with a lack of water – all the taps in Mango Beach were drier than a camels toe… we just hoped it would be fixed so we could have our cold showers when we got back.
The second week at the school started and unfortunately a geologist was let loose on the group for the day leader (what do they know????). The morning tasks were allocated and everyone set off with lots of enthusiasm (well a lot for a Monday morning) and completed all the day’s tasks in a record time. This led to a shortage of work until more paint turned up. Chris (Hitch), the slave driver that he is, forced several of the group to start the task of “snot knocking”. Snot Knocking is removing the “splats” of render from the floor prior to screeding. It’s the most thankless task you can ask anyone to do and much respect goes out to all those who got down and cracked on with it.
More paint was delivered by Gary and work recommenced at a scorching pace to make up for lost time. A late finish on site was rewarded with the bad news that the water was still off at Mango Beach. Looks like we’ll all have to smell bad just a bit longer.
At the bar Marty asked Nikki “Can I bum a fag”. “Maybe you’d have to buy him dinner first” Nikki replied.
Enough said.
Chris H
Tuesday 8th July 2008
Another good day on site, we divided into teams with progress on the concrete columns and completion of the block work on all but one of the apex walls. There was much mixing of mortar and plaster to keep everyone supplied, and an eight strong team got to work on the painting, firstly base coats to the perimeter walls and then sanding and painting of the window frames in the first classroom. We’re all getting to be a dab hand with the paint brush!
Still no water when we got back tonight, problems with the pump meant that water has been slow to fill the tank. Hopefully after dinner we should be back to normal – it’s a good thing, we’re all starting to pong! In case of further problems, a few of us headed to the sea for a quick swim and wash down, followed by drinks in the bar at sunset – what could be better?!
We’re being treated to gourmet food at the moment, guinea pigs for the new Chef catering for a wedding later this week. Apparently he runs a catering college in South Africa and has cooked for Nelson Mandela! Tonight we were treated to a delicious fish and cabbage starter, followed by a gorgeous chicken curry, and a chocolate cake dessert! The pudding went down especially well, those of us with a sweet tooth have been craving cake!
We’ve been a team member down today as the dreaded ‘Mozambique Tummy’ continues to wind it’s evil way through the camp. I believe there may be a new record for the most visits to the site loo in one day! Hopefully back to full strength tomorrow.
Wednesday 9th July
There are no Bears in Mozambique!!!
Another day in paradise and the team are smelling sweet after two days without water!!
The day started with jammy custard and two men down who were “weeing out of their bottoms” (Mark Eisen Man and Martyn)!
Three people were required to start on desk building and purlin cutting so Stuart, Nicky and Nick put their carpentry skills to the test – slow progress and lots of curly wood shavings!!
4 to 1, yes more slop makers and those lucky people where Wendy, Christina, Marti ‘McFly’ and the lovely Jamie…
Dick and Co (who will be staring in a calendar later in the year apparently!!) continued on the blockwork and column filling…
The rest of us were sanding, painting, sanding, painting, sanding, painting – and the final job of the day was undercoating the 7 doors – hurray!!!
Another splendid fish dinner with live Mozambiquian music and dancing in prep for tomorrows wedding – don’t worry it’s not one of the team… that’s it from me I’m off for some more of Marti’s snoring, after another cheeky glass of wine – SWEET!!!!!
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
The Roof, The Roof....
Monday 30th June
‘Solidarity Reg’
Group 2 left in a blaze of glory with proud salutes and emotional farewells. Kerry had one last tug on her earlobe, Trina threatened come customs officials and Cristina was re-routed by 8 hours via Vilanculos to Maputo.
All in all – a typical day.
Group 3 arrived, this time there were four bags missing…. And one volunteer.
Again….. we’ve come to expect no less of the relevant airlines. After nearly fifteen hours in a torpid state on various aircraft and in duty free lounges, and then being expected to run across the airport to catch the connecting flight, it is a wonder that more were not lost. The reason for this unscheduled activity was that the flight to Inhambane was actually leaving four hours….. early!….. you couldn’t make it up! Out of all this chaos, came the unusual benefit of being able to meet the June group at Inhambane Airport as their flight out was delayed. Inevitable banter and good wishes ensued between the more voluble members of the two groups.
Tuesday 1st July

First day here, and after some first day faffing about, including the sourcing of various clothes for those poor unfortunates without their cases, we were late to the site and had missed the daily rendition of the Mozambique National Anthem. After a hearty breakfast and an enforced rain break, we set about the task of unravelling the June groups joinery efforts on the timber roof trusses. A certain amount of enthusiasm for ensuring the gusset plates were fixed, whether or not in the correct place or orientation, was rather unfortunately evident. After some deliberation, we set about the preparation of an inventory to determine what materials we had been left by the June team, we were able to set up a process that enabled all the gusset plates to be marked and cut out, whilst the timber trusses were primed with preservative and marked up with the requisite nailing patterns. We are hopeful that this will save material wastage and improve fixing and manufacturing times for the roof trusses.
After our walk back to the Cabana a small number of us went for a brief swim in the Ocean, before sundown. We were treated to ‘Frango Mango’ for the evening meal, which we understand, is something of a special treat…followed by a few drinks, and sleeeeep zzzzzzzzz!
Wednesday, 2nd July
Marty and the missing bags arrived!
The day on the site started with a very nice breakfast, the team was ready for the second working day on the site. Tasks were very diverse: some people were cutting wood, others were working nailing the trusses for the roof and 3 people joined the local team for helping with the plastering. After having a very nice lunch, we got back carrying on with the tasks but found out two main obstacles: lack of number of hammers and nails. We got a new delivery of nails by the end of the afternoon, which allowed us to finish most of the pieces of wood for the trusses of the roof.
When we got back to Mango Beach we met Marty (the last team member), who just arrived in Tofo and was ready for a swim on the beach. Those who arrived from Newcastle were very happy to have their bags back, all thanks to Marty!
Other highlights of the day were: Beatriz and Cristina communicating in Portuguese with the local workers and children learning the local bitonga . Cristina and Beatriz weren’t able to respond to the locals’ expectations of getting married in Mozambique! We learned how to ‘rebocar a massa’ (floating on the plaster), Nick becoming the expert among us. Cristina also learned not to hang around under the coconut tree to sunbathe, because coconuts are the second cause of death in African countries after malaria.
Thursday 3rd July
Coconut Thursday
We are surrounded by elegant coconut palms and today they certainly made their presence felt. Desperate for containers for preservative first thing in the morning we went foresting for containers. We didn’t find anything much man-made but did come back with coconut shell halves! These were used for the preservative, carrying the large number of nails we were rapidly getting through and a fun lunchtime session with the children in which Beatriz and Stuart introduced them to a simple wet sand sculpturing game using just the coconut shells, sand and a little water. They loved it. On the way home Dick and Beatriz were stopped by a young school boy who then shinned up a tree (you can guess which one) and presented them with a fresh coconut for the group.
Today was also satisfying for finishing two activities. Firstly assembling the 13 wooden roof trusses which both June group and ourselves have been working on. Secondly, removing the excess hardboard from under all the window and door lintels. A hard, tedious job which Dick, Chris, Martyn, Marty and Jamie all excelled themselves on.
Then a lorry arrived delivering 100 bags of cement which was all off-loaded in record time, quickly transformed the appearance of most of the team to that of miners emerging from a pit.
By late afternoon we had run out of supplies and most of us were able to leave early for our first swim while the sun was still up, followed by a relaxing beer in the bar afterwards, watching the sun set over this magical place that is beginning to reveal itself.
‘Solidarity Reg’
Group 2 left in a blaze of glory with proud salutes and emotional farewells. Kerry had one last tug on her earlobe, Trina threatened come customs officials and Cristina was re-routed by 8 hours via Vilanculos to Maputo.
All in all – a typical day.
Group 3 arrived, this time there were four bags missing…. And one volunteer.
Again….. we’ve come to expect no less of the relevant airlines. After nearly fifteen hours in a torpid state on various aircraft and in duty free lounges, and then being expected to run across the airport to catch the connecting flight, it is a wonder that more were not lost. The reason for this unscheduled activity was that the flight to Inhambane was actually leaving four hours….. early!….. you couldn’t make it up! Out of all this chaos, came the unusual benefit of being able to meet the June group at Inhambane Airport as their flight out was delayed. Inevitable banter and good wishes ensued between the more voluble members of the two groups.
Tuesday 1st July
First day here, and after some first day faffing about, including the sourcing of various clothes for those poor unfortunates without their cases, we were late to the site and had missed the daily rendition of the Mozambique National Anthem. After a hearty breakfast and an enforced rain break, we set about the task of unravelling the June groups joinery efforts on the timber roof trusses. A certain amount of enthusiasm for ensuring the gusset plates were fixed, whether or not in the correct place or orientation, was rather unfortunately evident. After some deliberation, we set about the preparation of an inventory to determine what materials we had been left by the June team, we were able to set up a process that enabled all the gusset plates to be marked and cut out, whilst the timber trusses were primed with preservative and marked up with the requisite nailing patterns. We are hopeful that this will save material wastage and improve fixing and manufacturing times for the roof trusses.
After our walk back to the Cabana a small number of us went for a brief swim in the Ocean, before sundown. We were treated to ‘Frango Mango’ for the evening meal, which we understand, is something of a special treat…followed by a few drinks, and sleeeeep zzzzzzzzz!
Wednesday, 2nd July
Marty and the missing bags arrived!
The day on the site started with a very nice breakfast, the team was ready for the second working day on the site. Tasks were very diverse: some people were cutting wood, others were working nailing the trusses for the roof and 3 people joined the local team for helping with the plastering. After having a very nice lunch, we got back carrying on with the tasks but found out two main obstacles: lack of number of hammers and nails. We got a new delivery of nails by the end of the afternoon, which allowed us to finish most of the pieces of wood for the trusses of the roof.
When we got back to Mango Beach we met Marty (the last team member), who just arrived in Tofo and was ready for a swim on the beach. Those who arrived from Newcastle were very happy to have their bags back, all thanks to Marty!
Other highlights of the day were: Beatriz and Cristina communicating in Portuguese with the local workers and children learning the local bitonga . Cristina and Beatriz weren’t able to respond to the locals’ expectations of getting married in Mozambique! We learned how to ‘rebocar a massa’ (floating on the plaster), Nick becoming the expert among us. Cristina also learned not to hang around under the coconut tree to sunbathe, because coconuts are the second cause of death in African countries after malaria.
Thursday 3rd July
Coconut Thursday
We are surrounded by elegant coconut palms and today they certainly made their presence felt. Desperate for containers for preservative first thing in the morning we went foresting for containers. We didn’t find anything much man-made but did come back with coconut shell halves! These were used for the preservative, carrying the large number of nails we were rapidly getting through and a fun lunchtime session with the children in which Beatriz and Stuart introduced them to a simple wet sand sculpturing game using just the coconut shells, sand and a little water. They loved it. On the way home Dick and Beatriz were stopped by a young school boy who then shinned up a tree (you can guess which one) and presented them with a fresh coconut for the group.
Today was also satisfying for finishing two activities. Firstly assembling the 13 wooden roof trusses which both June group and ourselves have been working on. Secondly, removing the excess hardboard from under all the window and door lintels. A hard, tedious job which Dick, Chris, Martyn, Marty and Jamie all excelled themselves on.
Then a lorry arrived delivering 100 bags of cement which was all off-loaded in record time, quickly transformed the appearance of most of the team to that of miners emerging from a pit.
By late afternoon we had run out of supplies and most of us were able to leave early for our first swim while the sun was still up, followed by a relaxing beer in the bar afterwards, watching the sun set over this magical place that is beginning to reveal itself.
Adios June Group
Day 53 Friday 27th June - Saying Goodbye the Mozambican way!
Our last day on site began with a chilly start and a slightly subdued atmosphere as we made the trek through the sand dunes on empty stomachs for the very last time. By the time we reached site the sun had come up and we were delighted to find a new addition to the breakfast menu of fried eggs and chips (along with bread rolls and the obligatory tomato and onion salad)…Neomie opted to have her eggs ‘well done’ but something went wrong in the translation and they came back hard boiled, though much appreciated nevertheless! Becky briefed the group on the day’s tasks and had everyone in suspense about Chris’s big surprise at 3pm….
Most of the group continued working on the roof trusses in the morning, with a select few being finally allowed to have a go at plastering the internal classroom walls. Our intrepid leader Chris was particularly keen to have a go and bravely took it upon himself to assess the impact of splattering plaster all over his head and in his eyes, so that he could show the July group how not to do it! We were all a bit distracted this morning and it was hard to get going again after the compulsory biscuit break at 10am – we were conscious of the fact that this was our last chance to play with the kids and so we broke off early for lunch and got in a last rendition of hokey cokey before the matapa arrived. After our now traditional post-lunch snooze, we continued working in the blazing hot sun until 3pm when everyone downed tools, took their last few photos, and got stuck into the ‘surprise’ delivery of palm wine. Once we’d got over the rather unconventional smell, our first taste of this local delight proved very popular and we were soon keeping pace with the local builders who were clearly enjoying the chance to let their hair down – Jucinto was even seen cracking a smile! We eventually dragged ourselves away and set off on our last walk home – the commute to and from work just won’t seem the same without all those palm trees! Back at Mango Beach we made a start on the weekend with a drink or two and thoughts of how much diving and last minute souvenir shopping we could cram in over the next two days.
Quote of the day: ‘MANSY!’ (The only ‘English’ word now universally understood by all the local builders)
Saturday 28th June – everyone needs a happy ending….

Saturday brought final opportunities for the group to enjoy the activities available in Mozambique, some of the group dived, Brian and Steve spent the afternoon fishing (unfortunately they didn’t catch our dinner), several of the group relaxed with a massage (a big hit to relax those strained muscles). Many hit Tofo market for the last opportunities to barter, swapping clothes and shoes for gifts. The group reconvened in Cassa de Comer for our last meal and headed to Dino’s bar for our last drink, and just one more and go on I’ll have another if you’re asking….. Our Quest leaders finally had the opportunity to let there hair down as well and pass on their words of wisdom and thoughts on the world. These opportunities were well taken and well received.
After a brisk stumble back up the beach a few brave team members sat up for sunrise the rest preferring to slip gently into an alcohol induced slumber.
Sunday 29th June – ‘Don’t Ever, Ever…’
‘…let Chris get so drunk that he has memory loss the next day!’
After Saturday night’s drunken shenanigans, the group rose bleary eyed on this, the final day. Some of them struggled with David and Chris not even managing to make it out of Mango Beach (lightweights!). Some of the luckier folks in the group (Neomie, Mitesh, Trina and Debbie), nursed hangovers with some full body Hawanan massage from the wonderful Hayley, a recommended pastime for future reference! Christina was the only one of the group who decided to go scuba diving, and what a finish to the trip - as well as all the usual fish, Christina topped off her trip with a turtle, 20 sharks (including white and black tip reef sharks, leopard shark and nurse shark) and 16 devil rays. Not my pastime of choice when nursing a ‘delicate’ stomach, but Becky, Kerry and Diane took the opportunity to see a bit more of the local area on horseback. Becky enjoyed some fantastic galloping along the beach but Kerry managed to break her horse and so stole Diane’s, leaving Diane to trek home on foot….The remainder of the group recovered in the beloved Waterworks cafĂ© and the day’s fun was interspersed with discussions about who did what the previous night. It was much fun embarrassing our leaders with stories of their antics, which included some beach wrestling, shots, ‘wedgies’, and general drunkenness. During a final dinner of ‘smooth’ soup with fish and rice, the group presented Charlie with a token of appreciation; trousers from the local market and Caramilk chocolate (Mmmmm), and cleared Chris’ bar bill, leaving him credit on his tab to keep up his drinking tradition (springboks all round!)
Most of the group continued working on the roof trusses in the morning, with a select few being finally allowed to have a go at plastering the internal classroom walls. Our intrepid leader Chris was particularly keen to have a go and bravely took it upon himself to assess the impact of splattering plaster all over his head and in his eyes, so that he could show the July group how not to do it! We were all a bit distracted this morning and it was hard to get going again after the compulsory biscuit break at 10am – we were conscious of the fact that this was our last chance to play with the kids and so we broke off early for lunch and got in a last rendition of hokey cokey before the matapa arrived. After our now traditional post-lunch snooze, we continued working in the blazing hot sun until 3pm when everyone downed tools, took their last few photos, and got stuck into the ‘surprise’ delivery of palm wine. Once we’d got over the rather unconventional smell, our first taste of this local delight proved very popular and we were soon keeping pace with the local builders who were clearly enjoying the chance to let their hair down – Jucinto was even seen cracking a smile! We eventually dragged ourselves away and set off on our last walk home – the commute to and from work just won’t seem the same without all those palm trees! Back at Mango Beach we made a start on the weekend with a drink or two and thoughts of how much diving and last minute souvenir shopping we could cram in over the next two days.
Quote of the day: ‘MANSY!’ (The only ‘English’ word now universally understood by all the local builders)
Saturday 28th June – everyone needs a happy ending….
Saturday brought final opportunities for the group to enjoy the activities available in Mozambique, some of the group dived, Brian and Steve spent the afternoon fishing (unfortunately they didn’t catch our dinner), several of the group relaxed with a massage (a big hit to relax those strained muscles). Many hit Tofo market for the last opportunities to barter, swapping clothes and shoes for gifts. The group reconvened in Cassa de Comer for our last meal and headed to Dino’s bar for our last drink, and just one more and go on I’ll have another if you’re asking….. Our Quest leaders finally had the opportunity to let there hair down as well and pass on their words of wisdom and thoughts on the world. These opportunities were well taken and well received.
After a brisk stumble back up the beach a few brave team members sat up for sunrise the rest preferring to slip gently into an alcohol induced slumber.
Sunday 29th June – ‘Don’t Ever, Ever…’
‘…let Chris get so drunk that he has memory loss the next day!’
After Saturday night’s drunken shenanigans, the group rose bleary eyed on this, the final day. Some of them struggled with David and Chris not even managing to make it out of Mango Beach (lightweights!). Some of the luckier folks in the group (Neomie, Mitesh, Trina and Debbie), nursed hangovers with some full body Hawanan massage from the wonderful Hayley, a recommended pastime for future reference! Christina was the only one of the group who decided to go scuba diving, and what a finish to the trip - as well as all the usual fish, Christina topped off her trip with a turtle, 20 sharks (including white and black tip reef sharks, leopard shark and nurse shark) and 16 devil rays. Not my pastime of choice when nursing a ‘delicate’ stomach, but Becky, Kerry and Diane took the opportunity to see a bit more of the local area on horseback. Becky enjoyed some fantastic galloping along the beach but Kerry managed to break her horse and so stole Diane’s, leaving Diane to trek home on foot….The remainder of the group recovered in the beloved Waterworks cafĂ© and the day’s fun was interspersed with discussions about who did what the previous night. It was much fun embarrassing our leaders with stories of their antics, which included some beach wrestling, shots, ‘wedgies’, and general drunkenness. During a final dinner of ‘smooth’ soup with fish and rice, the group presented Charlie with a token of appreciation; trousers from the local market and Caramilk chocolate (Mmmmm), and cleared Chris’ bar bill, leaving him credit on his tab to keep up his drinking tradition (springboks all round!)
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